Monday, September 3, 2012

How to Make Shoe Cupcakes | A Tyrant Tutorial

My daughter loves shoes! She's a walking, talking, two-year old fashonista. If you're anywhere near as addicted to Pinterest as I am you've probably seen the Shoezan pictures floating around. I am completely in love with the idea of hanging out in the garage one Saturday creating one of these for Tiny Tyrant.  It rests on a lazy susan at the bottom and has room enough for Tiny Tyrant's shoes now and in the future! I have the perfect spot tucked away ready for it in the closet!  So needless to say when I was planning my little diva's second birthday celebration I immediately was drawn to the shoe cupcakes idea. The only problem? I'm a working mom, have two demanding children and ended up with about 1 hour to pull together cupcakes. I decided to see if I could pull off Shoe Cupcakes on a budget, for a house full of food allergies.  Here's what I did!
Source: via sarah on Pinterest

So needless to say when I was planning my little diva's second birthday celebration I immediately was drawn to the shoe cupcakes idea. The only problem? I'm a working mom, have two demanding children and ended up with about 1 hour to pull together cupcakes. I decided to see if I could pull off Shoe Cupcakes on a budget, for a house full of food allergies.  Here's what I did!

I used a box mix by Gluten Free Pantry and egg replacer by Energ. The cupcakes were slightly crumbly but not bad for a quick box mix makeup. I let the cool completely.

While they were cooling I had to figure out how to replace the graham cracker shoe base used in the examples I found online. I didn't want to waste time or money buying gluten free graham crackers just for this. I decided to go with a white chocolate form so that I wouldn't have to ice it. I looked and looked through my GIANT bucket of cookie cuttters hoping for a foot but no instead i grabbed the snowman. I filled him with melted white chocolate candy melts that were allergy safe for my crew. The process went much faster than I thought. I sprayed the inside of the cookie cutter and would put it on wax paper, spoon in melted chocolate, spread it out then quickly lift the cookie cutter up and do it again.  The chocolate held its form very well even without the cutter in place. I popped the whole tray in the fridge to harden for 30 mins to an hour.  When they were hardened I pulled them out and used a vegetable peeler to whittle down the snowman's curves into something more shoe like! :)

Then the fun started. I used food writer markers to write the birthday girl's name on the shoe base. It wasn't as clean as I wanted and next time I'll probably use thinned royal icing to get a better look.  Then I brushed the chocolate molds with edible gold dust to give them some sparkle..

Turn them over and use left over chocolate melts (you might need to re-heat it in the microwave or a double boiler) to glue pretzel rods to the white chocolate shoe base. Spend some time before glueing making sure the pretzel rod is the right size for your cupcake /heel  height. I glued the pretzel rods and let them sit for a few minutes to harden.

Then I inserted the large end of the chocolate mold into the cupcake and got creative with the frosting. Again since I was on a time crunch I used store bought supplies. I used chocolate can easy frost and some pink for highlights. This is where I had the least time, but could have spent all day. My frosting is a litte sloppy since I did it in about 2 minutes. Don't judge me! LOL Next time I want to spend more time on this super fun part!  Hope this helps! The process was actually super easy and a ton of fun.

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